∬fmovies Inception 2010 Full Movie 123movies

  1. Average rating 9,3 / 10
  2. Runtime 2 Hour, 28 Minute
  3. cast Leonardo DiCaprio
  4. Genre Thriller, Action
  5. Writed by Christopher Nolan

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Alright folks, I saw the same movie you saw. My wife and I both went into this with great expectations. Visually, the movie was interesting. Beyond that, it was ho-hum for us. I felt myself fidgeting in the seat several times wondering when they were going to get to the point. The film was about 45 minutes too long. The concept is very interesting, but there are so many loopholes and unanswered questions and illogical contrivances that we both just shook our heads and enjoyed the scenery. I have to wonder where all of the high ratings for this flick are coming from. I am not buying that as many people loved this thing on the same par as Lord of the Rings and Godfather. This movie was so pumped up that I was hoping for something brilliant like The Matrix. I feel like I got something more similar to "The Happening.

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Inception 2010 full movie 123movies movie.

I really would give it 9 or more as others have, if it were only the concept I thought of. It's really amazing to have thought of this AND to have thought of actually putting this up on screen.
However, I take a few points off that because I was somewhat disappointed with the storytelling.
I personally prefer a linear story especially when the plot is complex. Explaining things in bits and pieces and flashback are nice filmmaking techniques but I don't like them when used with complex plots, especially when the simplicity is lost.
I also did not appreciate the idea of lengthening the last few scenes since the action was quite average and boring. Anyway, with all the expectation generated by its reviews, I had NOT come in to watch an action-fest. They could have simplified those scenes.
I don't know why they decided not to have a 3D for this one. This is one where 3D actually makes sense since the buildup was nice.

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Inception 2010 full movie 123movies 2019. Inception 2010 Full Movie. Where can i watch Inception online Torrent Inception The link Inception How Much Inception Watch Inception [1080p] Watch Inception Full Movie Online Now. Yet again, My favorite film director delivers! Every time I see a trailer for a New Christopher Nolan film I have this inside feeling that maybe this might not be that good. But he proved me wrong yet again. Inception is a visual and skillful masterpiece, a film which will be talked about for a long time. The concept of the whole film centers around Leonardo Dicarpio, an extractor who can navigate people's minds (through dreams) and steal ideas. But once he is offered to go back home in exchange of planting an idea, that's where the film begins. Planting ideas, the act of Inception is often said by the team to be impossible. So, they had to make it look as if the idea in the mark's mind was self generated, pointed out to us in the film we are told that true inspiration is impossible to fake. The acting was very well done here, little pointer, Ellen Page didn't act bad, but that's what her role was supposed to be. She was supposed to be shown as having low knowledge of the whole plan as she was an architecture student. Leonardo Dicaprio acted very well, even though he's not doing anything new in the film,it's the same kind of role, he shouts in some of the scenes, sad and concerned in some scenes. But, still very good. Now I know why Nolan decided to choose only Leo for the role of Cobb. He suited it well. Tom Hardy gives a very smart and cool performance as Eames. So did Ken Watanabe, Cillian Murphy and Joseph Gordon Levitt. The male cast trumped over the female cast as Marion Cotillard and Ellen Page were given lesser screen time than the other cast. But in that lesser screen time they still left their mark. The duo of Christopher Nolan and Wally Pfister is rising very quickly through the ranks, as they deliver masterpiece after masterpiece. Inception is nothing short of a masterpiece, as it introduces the idea of dream stealing, something which hasn't been touched in the film industry that much, even dreams within dreams were introduced. But it's the smart screenplay written by Nolan which makes the audience not lose interest. The story is structured according to the levels of dreams the team goes into. Not saying much but it's more than 2 levels. The film doesn't look faked, as the CGI and special effects were very well done and looked realistic. There weren't that many CGI shots in the film though as the main fight was all filmed for real – the anti gravity fight. Jaw Dropping. The dialogue is very well written and dialogue delivery was near perfect. When you introduce such an idea to a film it is very hard to get audiences to understand, there are instances where through visuals we know that they're going into another dream level. But it's the dialogue every one should pay attention to, the film will only be hard to understand for people who don't pay attention to it. The film was shot on almost every scenario possible, Snow, Underwater, in the city, in a crowded marketplace. Camera work suited to the intensity of the scene as there was a chase cam in Mombasa where Cobb is trying to escape while in most other scenes consisting of dialogue the camera angles are well thought out and very well taken. There were many aerial shots and pan shots and great variety of camera angles. Today when 3D is so over-hyped and loved by everyone. Nolan shows that you can still tell a visually enthralling film with great cinematography and without 3D. Music was top notch, Hans Zimmer has probably written his best score yet, a very grand and epic yet soothing at moments. There is so much variety of music in the film, the viewer can tell by just listening how different the music is from the opening and the climax. Very memorable. The film is well stitched and edited, it had to be otherwise it would have been utterly boring for the viewer. As telling a story and showing a scenario of events which are happening all at once but just at different dream levels. It is told to us that five minutes in the real world gives us an hour in the dream world. How did Nolan choose to show that in multiple dream levels? Slow-Motion, don't worry it's not John Woo style Slow-mo. Over here there's actually meaning and a purpose for the slow motion being used. My friend didn't get it at first and he suffered from the thing I said before, pay attention to the dialogues and characters. Nolan also uses inanimate objects for each person, a great solution of keeping track of reality, those objects aren't only helpful for the team, in a way they define the character especially Cobb as you will see at the cliffhanger ending. Pure Nolan Style ending, an ending which will force the audience to talk about the film for days to come. Nolan took 8 years perfecting the script and it all shows in this effort called Inception. A visual and intellectual masterpiece, a film which will be talked about for a long time to come, a film which must be viewed more than once, just for the fact that it's so smart. A must have in your DVD or blu-ray collection once it's released. Should deserve nods for Best Director, Best Original Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Picture and Possibly Best Supporting Actor and Best Actor. Why best actor? looking at Dicaprio now just shows how different he has become since Titanic how much better he has gotten since working with the great Martin Scorsese. He has been overlooked for a long time now, he and Nolan deserve an Oscar which is way overdue! A Classic film in almost everyway and visual tour-de-force in 2D, anyone who says otherwise is just a Christopher Nolan hater or just plain ignorant.

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